
Astronomers Detect 10th Planet

Astronomers in the United States have announced the discovery of the 10th planet to orbit our Sun.

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Systm Episode 3 Release Scheduled July 30, 2005 10:00AM ET!

Head on over there and get the latest offering from your Screensavers favorites'. Make sure you have a Bittorent client. It's been awhile since Episode 2 came out so expect a quality video.

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VodBlog On It's Way

I just set up an account with Ourmedia. Apparently this site will host media files for free as long as they are around 10mb to 20mb. This can equal 5 to 10 minutes of video if the compression is right. So I posted a short 2 minute video of some crap I shot a couple years ago while I was bored. As soon as the site updates with the video I'll post the link so everyone can view it. The main reason for the video being up is to experiment with the service. If this turns out decent, I may get a real video up with some worthy content. I used MPEG4 for this just because I've been messing around with the PSP lately. I'll probably switch to a different codec once the real media comes out.

Flickr Hits 1 Million Members

The photo hosting site Flickr hit 1,000,000 members recently. This is a great place to let everyone view your personal photos or any photo you want to post.. It's also a great way to let friends and family know what's going on in your life. You can also let the site host photos you maybe putting on your own site. Check it out, sign up and start posting. Check my Flickr site out by click on my Daily Zeigeist in the top right corner.


PSP Emulators/Homebrew Made Really Easy

PSPBrew.com made a "Custom Pack Generator" which allows you to choose what homebrew/emus you want and will auto package it so its ready to go on your PSP. Select what you want, press generate, download the package and unzip directly to your PSP and your ready! They update all the items so to upgrade just extract the new pack over the old one. Pretty cool if you ask me, one stop shop to get everything you need.

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Changing XP Start Menu Delay

Change to windows xp registry to speed up the "all programs" display in start window.

Pretty neat little hack, you should notice a definate difference. I made this change and few others that are mentioned over at TweakGuides.com. Give it a shot, more speed and efficency here and there always helps.

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Major Accomplishment, Atleast for Me

I finally made a break through. A couple days ago I posted about how there might be a Lance Armstrong Bio-pic in the works and that Matt Damon may be a front runner to play Lance. Some how I managed to out-scoop Ain't It Cool News on this one. I had them on this by three days. Someone out there is probably saying, big deal. Well, this site has filled my head with loads of information since it opened and for my tiny site to offer this tidbit of info before the giant, it makes me happy. Looks like I get a gold star today.


Podcasting Tools

This is a great place to get started with any question you might have about Podcasting. I've picked up some great tips there.

Update on my own little project....still haven't figured out my core content but I do know I'm sticking to what I personally enjoy. Entertainment and Tech. I've shot some stock footage for intros and cut shots but I have yet to sit down and shoot a segment. The way things are going it may be a while.

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Hollywood Stock Exchange

I forgot about this site. I used to play this a couple years ago and besides being fun it also gives a lot of information on up and coming projects. It works just like a real stock exchange except your trading movies and actors. Just stay clear from Tom Cruise, you're bound to lose money over time.

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Blade Coming to TV???

Looks like comic book and feature film hero Blade will be coming to the small screen. It does not look like Wesley Snipes will be attached, but who knows... This will be an utter pile of crap if Snipes isn't doing it. Why would you even consider doing this if Snipes isn't involved?



Lance Armstrong Bio Pic in the Works?

There seem to be some rumors flying around the 'Net about a possible feature film based on the life of cycling's Lance Armstrong. I've been following his career ever since he was first diagnosed with Cancer, so to see a film based on his life would be rather enjoyable to me and probably many others. The only thing I'm not to sure on is the actor that has been rumored to be taking the part, Matt Damon. I've really liked most of his work but as of late his choices in roles have been pretty bad. "Stuck on You" ring a bell? Give us the Damon from "Rounders" and "Good Will Hunting" and I'm there. I hope this rumor has some truth behind it.

First Playable PS3 Game

If this is the worst thing that you'll be seeing on a PS3, it will be the greatest console out there. I'm still convinced the XBox 360 will be junk. I am really not a big fan of the original XBox. I played it for maybe a week and it's been collecting dust ever since. I'll be waiting for next year and the PS3 release. I could also care less if the thing costs $500. I'll pay anything.

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Not Satisfied with a Movie's Ending?

The answer to that question is, re-do it. Found this site in my travels and it's bound to be a hit once they get more content. Only three movies are available, Star Wars IV, Matrix Revolutions and Saving Private Ryan. It's well worth a look.

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Understanding the Logic of Digg.com Users

As much as I love Digg, I can't for the life of me understand the users of the site. Case in point. I submitted a story, infact it's the story I spoke of yesterday. As of right this minute, I submitted the story one day and four hours ago and was only dug 13 times. I jumped on the site just now and I see a story on the main page, same exact header and content as mine and it was dugg 255 times. This story was submitted 19 hours ago. Do you see my problem? Not only was it the same exact story that I submitted, I also sent it in nine hours earlier. A difference of 242 diggs, did anyone notice it was a duplicate story? Not to mention, did the author notice the story was already written before they submitted it. The site tells you before you approve your post. Anyway, forgive, forget. Check the site out, loads of information available.


Upgrade Your Outdated Computer for Less Then $250

Not everyone is running the latest, fastest machines out there. In fact, many people are using outdated hardware. This article gives information on ways to resurrect your otherwise outdated machine into something that will rival many mid-level PC's.

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SAW 2 Teaser Trailer

For anyone who enjoyed the first SAW, the trailer for the second film in the series is available from Lions Gate Films.

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Cure Your Boredom

I found myself getting very bored lately with everything that is the Internet. That is when I ventured into this exciting world of Blogs and tech content. Obviously most of my posts are rehashed comments of things found elsewhere but I try to keep most of it unique and informative. When I launched MDC v1.0 over at Typepad I had mentioned the chance of a podcast, I think I'm going to skip right over audio and attempt video. Vlogging seems to be the next big thing, I just need to find my niche with content.

Back to curing your boredom. I've been listening to many Podcasts as of late to get ideas for mine and a great place to find quality Casts is at Podcast Alley. Be sure to check out This Week in Tech and Diggnation.


My Take on Bittorent


Electronic Arts to Continue Using John Madden

After hearing months ago that EA would continue the production of Madden Football under a different name, I rejoiced. The sight and sounds of Coach Madden would be gone from the game. My ears would not have to hear the almost moronic phrases from the man anymore. Really, why do I have to hear "You need to score more points to win." I don't need to be taunted by the actual game. Anyway, EA and Madden renewed the contract for a multi-year deal. Guess we'll have to deal.

Happy Birthday MP3

On this day ten years ago the researchers of Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS in Germany, conjured up the extension .MP3 for the audio codec they had been working on. After ten years of being in use, this codec has spawned a digital revolution in audio. It has also expanded every single person's music collection by ten fold. We would like to take this time to thank the institute for it's wonderful contribution to the world of technology. Maybe the RIAA should go after this group first, start at the core.


Did You Ever Just Feel Like...

I have no idea who did this but I find it hilarious. It represents my feelings right now due to fact that my foot is killing me. Plantar Fasciitis, what a pain and since I'm on my feet all day usually, it kills. Ice and stretching, yeh that works. This is really screwing with my workout schedule. Anyway, back to the picture and to add some tech to this post go visit TweakGuides and optimize your XP experience.

TWIT #13 Released

Check out the weekly podcast from former TechTV personalities.

This Week in Tech #13


Take a Listen: Toadies

I just found a copy of Rubberneck by the Toadies. I first heard this album back when it was released in 1994. I thought it was good, enjoyed every song but like everything else played back then, I moved on. I've been playing it everyday since last week. To make a long story short, check this album out.


GTA: Vice City Pics for PSP

I picked up a PSP about a week ago and I've been thrilled to death with it. Installing all the homebrew apps and getting the emulators to work have been a breeze. I was aware of the release of GTA for the PSP but didn't think much of it while purchasing the unit. There were many thoughts as to what it might look like on the PSP but I've come across some screenshots and again I'm glad I got the PSP.

Check out the Screenshots.


Format War Over

Finally figured out the issue last night and the war with HTML is now over. Like everyone else, I was having an issue with getting the columns to align correctly in both Firefox and IE. The Firefox version looked great but when I opened up in IE, aggrevation set in. Everything is fine and I may tweak the look over the next week but the content should start flowing very soon.


Kevin Mitnick Bio

Probably the most widely know "Hacker"in the world, Kevin Mitnick has done it all. Check out a brief biography of Kevin. Extremely informative.



Never Forget Your HTML...

I used to be able to code, I have forgotten everything. I think I was spoiled over at Typepad. Who knows, still having fun though. I opened a Flickr account and put up some photos from the Philly carshow. Definately a cool service. I'm still working the kinks out of the format and I'm pulling hair. Keeps me busy. My normal content should continue on Tuesday when I have some time off.

Bare With Me...

It's going to take some time to get the format where I want it. My time as of late has been limited so moving over to Blogger will be a better fit for me. Why spend money on something you don't use as much? With that all in mind eventually I will have the same look and content that I had over at Typepad, I just have to find time.



First post on the new provider.....